It's been a while since I posted here. I need to get back into the grove. But I say that every year. LOL
Well for now, I can tell you what cool thing I did last week. My second cousin Lori came to town. We went into Baltimore with a few addresses from my genealogical research on my Mom's family in hand. Then we went to those addresses and photographed some of them.
708 is to the left |

We had a great time. The first stop of 708 Bond Street. My great grandparents Anna and Adam Schmidt first lived there when the immigrated from Russia Poland in the 1890s. It was quite a surprise when we saw it was a bar, One Eyed Mikes. Lori took some photos and then stuck her head in there telling them what we were doing. People seemed interested so we went in and had a drink toasting Adam and Anna because without them immigrating to the US, we would never have been here! The owner told us it had become a bar in the 70's. Who knew? Turns out it is
World's First Grand Marnier Club & Liquor Licensed bar and it is the number one seller of Gran Marnier Liquor in the world.
Looks like other families also rented there from the census records. I looked online and it has 3 apartments in the existing building. I wonder which floor our family lived on. They had 5 kids but the eldest was already married with a child so I'm sure she didn't live there.
Another stop was to 1814 Collington Avenue. That was one of the homes of great uncle Leon Schmidt. It was also the place where he shot a Baltimore City Police officer who later died. There are 2 stories. One is the family story and one is in the newspapers...I'll leave it to that. It looks like they were gutting it and modernizing it. I was kind of disapppointed but I'll go back at a later date when there isn't all that wood out there.
This photo has Lori taking photos while I'm illegally parked...yikes! Thank God it was a slow night in Baltimore or the police were preoccupied with more serious stuff so they didn't worry about the little offenses.
We took another 2 photos that I'm not sure now is the right address so I won't list them. I will when we do this again.
Me outside 224 S Madera St. |
What an amazing change! |
One of the really cool things was when we went to my grandmother Katherine Siwik Schmidt's little house near Patterson Park, 224 S. Madera Street. She bought it in 1961 after her husband Walter Schmidt passed away. They were living in Pasadena MD so she wanted to move back to the city. The house as I remember it was flowered very old wall paper on the walls and a wallpapered ceiling, metal kitchen cabinets. Upstairs had 2 bedrooms and one bath but the bedrooms had no wall between them so you went up the steps and either went left to one or right to the other. She had painted screens and a metal monogram on the screen door that had a big S.
While Lori was taking photos the couple who was inside painting, reading it to rent, came out and asked what she was doing. She told them and they invited us in. It was an amazing change as you can see from the photos. Everything had been gutted I'm sure. There was never exposed brick but I expect that came out when the plaster walls came down. I walked around with my mouth open. It was beautifully modern. I was thinking I wish my Mom and Busia (grandmother) was alive to see those photos. Being back in that house brought me to tears. I'm so thankful.
I was always the one in the illegally parked car! LOL |
We were illegally parked again (it's an alley basically) but this time the Police found us. He sounded his siren so Lori went outside. She told him what we were doing and he seemed touched and was kind enough to allow her to go around the block and park again illegally. I guess again we are small fish compared to what goes on in Baltimore these days.
Anyway...I wish you all a Happy New Year. My prayer and hope for you is that it will be a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous one for you. Thanks for reading this.