The quote by George Santayana, “An artist
is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world. “, best describes
me. As a child
I put all my daydreams on paper, drawing on whatever I could think of or find in my world. As an
adult my daydreams to paper continued, find their way on everything from napkins to my desk calendar to meeting notes.
As far back as I can remember, I have been inspired by the beauty of God's creation and I prefer to paint or draw flowers and animals. My favorite art mediums have always been pastel and colored pencil. It was a natural thing from me progressing from pencil. It was just drawing with color. As I dabbled with art I ventured out into watercolor and oils. 
1986 my world was rocked when I was introduced to the world of porcelain art. Since that time it’s
been the art form for which I have been most consistent and passionate.
Religious art has always been appealing to me. As a cradle Catholic, I have always appreciated any form of church art. It's been a big part of my life. In 2010, I began taking a religious icon class. It's become a ministry to me. I do not sell my original icons. Each one is made specifically as a gift for religious or Priests and for special people in my life.
Aside from my art life, I am a retired wife, mother and grandmother of 3. My furry family include 2 cats (Lily and LeeLu) and a dog Luigi the Cockapoo.
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