to Artscape in Baltimore was fun. Artscape is one of the largest free art shows/festivals in the country. I have always wanted to go but it seems like every time there would be one thing or another which prevented me from going there.

This year I went with my daughter, Jackie (on the left) and her friend Sara (right).

I don't know how many blocks they had closed off in town but it was pretty large. It is around the area of the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). There was the usual (and some unusual) food vendors and lots of artisans selling their wares mostly geared to the young hip crowd. I loved lots of it but just couldn't figure out where I'd put it. But it was fun to check it all out.

There was a section, the theme was carnival.The MiCA kids had all kinds of crazy interactive art there. I wish I had more time to check it all out. There were several stages of live performances. Jackie and Sara wanted to see Egg Babies Orchestra. They were mostly a cover band..they did a set of songs all with the theme Na Na Na Na Na Na....I never realized how many songs had that in them. They were very good. Then there were on street music men like the crazy guy on the left. He was too cute for words.

I loved the stage for the Rock Opera was so cool.
But I think my favorite part were the Art Cars. Cars with all kinds of things attached to them. Each one had a theme. This was my favorite one.
What a great afternoon escape.......I look forward to next year.