After my Mom died, I had a dream with her in it. She was very excited telling me she saw her mother and she had a colorful aura all around her. I was scared and I told Mom that I didn't like seeing dead people. I guess I was scared. After that I never had any more dreams with her in it.
But last night, I had a very interesting dream! I had a dream that we were having some kind of family get together. All my Yori cousins were there and they all left together to go someplace. I was left behind reminiscent of when I was a child and they would also leave me behind because I was so much younger than they were.
Well all of a sudden I turned around and I saw Grandmom Yori! She was younger than when she died and she wasn't wearing her glasses. I immediately recognized her and thought to myself that the Yori cousins would be very upset that they missed her.

It's making me nuts but I can't remember what she told me in that dream but I remember I had a conversation with her because I remembered that one of my Yori cousins said she never had a conversation with her and I was thinking, "oh gee, she should have been here." Grandmom Yori spoke perfect English and I was very surprised because when I was a child she spoke little English mostly Italian interspersed with English. I was so happy to see her.
Now that I have mature and I'm not afraid to see family that have gone before me in dreams, I hope to have more conversations with her. And I really hope I remember what she says...I need could use help with the family tree, especially on the Pannoni (her maiden name) side.