I was having a bit of a painting slump. For a while I painted like a banshee, alcohol ink everywhere not doing and other mediums, I pushed everything aside even my first love china painting.
Well I went to a friends house and got my mojo back so to speak. Finally using my new mini kiln that I bought in February at the china painting show/convention in Florida, I worked on some little pendants and ornaments.
The kiln worked great. It was much better than cranking up the big one for a few little things. This little kiln takes 50 minutes to fire and 3 hours to cool. The big one takes 3 hours to fire and all day or night to cool. I like that I can get 2 firings in a day if I ever get back to my usual painting rate.

Here is the first fire pen work of the little pendants. There were 2 more fires to go.
The bottom photo are the finished pendants and ornaments.

So glad I got them finished. I have 3 craft shows coming up that I need to work on. Maybe if you are local I'll see you at one of these.
1) Chesterfield Community craft show on September 20th 12-4 (Mansion House Crossing Pool area in Chesterfiel, Pasadena, MD)
2) St. John Lutheran Church Craft Show (Maple Rd, Linthicum, MD) on the
Saturday, November 29th 9-2 pm.
3) Glen Burnie High School Winter Craft Show (B&A Blvd, Glen Burnie MD) December 6th 9-2 pm.