So this week we had more snow. Oh man, I'm so sick of cold weather and snow. When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do for Sunday Sketches I thought, "Well if I do the beach, maybe summer will sneak up on us quicker." Don't know if it will but what the heck!
So I started with a quick little sketch. From there I used watercolor pencils. I don 't use them often so it was fun to just play with them.
I love the beach. When I'm at the beach I love to pick up the shells. I always told my kids that God left us a little treasure on the beach to remind us how much He loves us. One time was on the Beach in Ocean City and a whole bunch of starfish were all over the beach as the tide went out. I spent, I dont' know how much time, tossing them back into the ocean. I often wonder did I save any of them? Oh well, I hope you enjoyed my little Sunday Sketch!
Visit BlueChairDiary Blog for some awesome other Sunday Sketches:
Oh & if you like the ACEO it's in my Etsy shop:
Enjoying my retirement one painting at a time. Interspersing my thoughts with my Handpainted porcelain (painting), decorative painting, glass painting, watercolors, ACEOs, Alcohol Ink Art, colored pencil and acrylics.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Friday Feature
So I'm a little late this am getting this up. My cold has knocked me out! I'll be glad when it goes away. But enough about me. As usual, I picked someone who "hearted" one of my handpainted porcelain pendants (pictured below)
This time, it's not an artist but someone who sells on the vintage side. The shop name is ShabbyPinkFlamingo, Barbara Hannah from Douglasville Georgia.. Here's the link:
Her shop carries a wide variety of items that are Victorian, romantic, vintage, and shabby chic. According to her profile she got the name of her shop from her love of shabby chic items and pink flamingos. She also seems to do some upcycling as well.
I love profiles because they give you some insight into the person. Her's says, she loves going to yard sales, thrift stores, flea markets and consignment malls (my kind of gal) She's been happily married for 32 years and has one grown son. She also claims 4 water turtles and 3 cats and she adopted sea turtle named Spitfire and an adopted manatee named Whiskers. Now as a former employee of a natural resource agency, I'm hoping that her adoptees are still int he wild and not in her bathtub! LOL
This time, it's not an artist but someone who sells on the vintage side. The shop name is ShabbyPinkFlamingo, Barbara Hannah from Douglasville Georgia.. Here's the link:
Her shop carries a wide variety of items that are Victorian, romantic, vintage, and shabby chic. According to her profile she got the name of her shop from her love of shabby chic items and pink flamingos. She also seems to do some upcycling as well.
I love profiles because they give you some insight into the person. Her's says, she loves going to yard sales, thrift stores, flea markets and consignment malls (my kind of gal) She's been happily married for 32 years and has one grown son. She also claims 4 water turtles and 3 cats and she adopted sea turtle named Spitfire and an adopted manatee named Whiskers. Now as a former employee of a natural resource agency, I'm hoping that her adoptees are still int he wild and not in her bathtub! LOL
The item pictured at the top is my favorite from her shop. Here's the link to the listing:
The pendant to the right is the one she hearted in my shop. Here's the link to that listing:
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
God is like...............
I got this in an email and I thought it was so cute (and SOOO true) that I wanted to pass it along to you!
A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look at TV commercials and see if they could use them in 20 ways to communicate ideas about God. Here are some of the results: scroll down.
Fifth Grade Assignment

God is like...
He works miracles.
God is like...
He's got a better idea..
God is like...
He's the real thing.
God is like...
He cares enough to send His very best.
God is like...
He gets the stains out others leave behind. .
God is like...
He brings good things to life.
God is like...
He has everything.
God is like...
Try Him, you'll like Him
God is like...
You can't see Him, but you know He's there.
God is like...
He's ready when you are.
God is like...
You're in good hands with Him.
God is like...
VO-5 Hair Spray;
He holds through all kinds of weather
God is like...
Dial Soap.....
Aren't you glad you have Him? Don't you wish everybody did?
God is like ..
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet nor ice will keep Him from His appointed destination.
God is like...
Chevrolet. . . .
the heart beat of America
God is like..
Maxwell House. .... .
Good to the very last drop
God is like...
He is the quicker picker upper. Can handle the tough jobs. ..and He won't fall apart on you.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sunday Sketches
This week's Sunday Sketch is of St. Philomena. It's a watercolor ACEO.
I've been doing a series of saints to help benefit the Little Sisters of the Poor as you know if you are one of my usual readers. I don't know why I keep doing watercolor portraits. It's not easy. I need to do another medium but for some reason I feel an attraction to watercolor. It's not like I can't do acrylic or oil. But anyway...I ramble.

A little bit about this card and the symbolism of it. St. Philomena was an early church martyr. You can tell that by the red she is wearing. The palm is an early church symbol of Christianity - relates back to the waving of the Palms when Jesus was going to Jerusalem. The ring of flowers around her head tells us that she was a virgin. Notice the two arrows. It is tradition that a King wanted to marry her. She wanted to dedicate her life to Jesus and wanted no part of it. So she was thrown in the water with an anchor around her neck. But God freed the anchor and she survived. So the King had her showered with arrows which pierced her but she was healed of that. He did it again and again she survived. In the end, the King decapitated her and she died. So the 2 arrows represent the 2 times she was shot with arrows. St. Philomena is considered the patroness of the Rosary.
Hope that gives you a little insight into St. Philomena! :) My father's sister was named Philomena. Now I understand why my Grandmom named my aunt after her. She was faith-filled, virtuous and not to mention a tough cookie!
This card is available in my Etsy shop. 100% of the sale of this card goes to Little Sisters of the Poor St. Martins Home in Baltimore. Here's the link to the listing:
Oh and just in case you want to help out the Little Sisters here's their link. They still are working on trying to find $25 million!
Visit BlueChairDiary Blog for some awesome other Sunday Sketches:
I've been doing a series of saints to help benefit the Little Sisters of the Poor as you know if you are one of my usual readers. I don't know why I keep doing watercolor portraits. It's not easy. I need to do another medium but for some reason I feel an attraction to watercolor. It's not like I can't do acrylic or oil. But anyway...I ramble.

A little bit about this card and the symbolism of it. St. Philomena was an early church martyr. You can tell that by the red she is wearing. The palm is an early church symbol of Christianity - relates back to the waving of the Palms when Jesus was going to Jerusalem. The ring of flowers around her head tells us that she was a virgin. Notice the two arrows. It is tradition that a King wanted to marry her. She wanted to dedicate her life to Jesus and wanted no part of it. So she was thrown in the water with an anchor around her neck. But God freed the anchor and she survived. So the King had her showered with arrows which pierced her but she was healed of that. He did it again and again she survived. In the end, the King decapitated her and she died. So the 2 arrows represent the 2 times she was shot with arrows. St. Philomena is considered the patroness of the Rosary.
Hope that gives you a little insight into St. Philomena! :) My father's sister was named Philomena. Now I understand why my Grandmom named my aunt after her. She was faith-filled, virtuous and not to mention a tough cookie!
This card is available in my Etsy shop. 100% of the sale of this card goes to Little Sisters of the Poor St. Martins Home in Baltimore. Here's the link to the listing:
Oh and just in case you want to help out the Little Sisters here's their link. They still are working on trying to find $25 million!
Visit BlueChairDiary Blog for some awesome other Sunday Sketches:
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday Feature
So this week's Friday Feature is taking a little detour. I know I've been featuring folks who have 'hearted' me on Etsy but I found someone interesting somewhere else. Meet Katka Holloman Lucanova -- "Kate"
According to her blog profile she is from the Heart of Europe, the Czech republic. She lived there for 20 years, met her husband at a christian camp, got married and then after a year together in the CZ moved to the States. Kate is a member of my ACEO Online Magazine Group on Facebook.
She's a very talented artist. The horse pictured to the right is one of my favorie pieces in her Etsy shop:
She posted a link to her blog on our group. The blog features a little character called Jimmy the Sheep. To the right is a Jimmy the Sheep ACEO available in her Etsy shop. He was born in 2005 and was in children's magazine in the Czech and Slovak republics. The blog will follow his life of Christian Virtues and struggles.
In her recent blog post Kate says: "To smile is better than to worry! And a happy one goes through life better than the grumpy." Amen to that Kate! I was the first follower of her blog so follow her blog & join me in watching what Jimmy gets into:
According to her blog profile she is from the Heart of Europe, the Czech republic. She lived there for 20 years, met her husband at a christian camp, got married and then after a year together in the CZ moved to the States. Kate is a member of my ACEO Online Magazine Group on Facebook.
She's a very talented artist. The horse pictured to the right is one of my favorie pieces in her Etsy shop:
She posted a link to her blog on our group. The blog features a little character called Jimmy the Sheep. To the right is a Jimmy the Sheep ACEO available in her Etsy shop. He was born in 2005 and was in children's magazine in the Czech and Slovak republics. The blog will follow his life of Christian Virtues and struggles.
In her recent blog post Kate says: "To smile is better than to worry! And a happy one goes through life better than the grumpy." Amen to that Kate! I was the first follower of her blog so follow her blog & join me in watching what Jimmy gets into:
Thursday, February 17, 2011
God is soooo good!
Today I sold another ACEO for the Little Sisters of the Poor. This one is of St. Katharine Drexel. Her Feast Day is right around the corner, March 3. She was born in 1858 and became a sister at the age of 33. She died the year I was born in 1955 at the age of 96.
She's sort of a neighbor to me. I'm in the Baltimore Area she was in Philadelphia.
She's sort of a neighbor to me. I'm in the Baltimore Area she was in Philadelphia.
St. Katharine was devoted to the African and Native Americans. She founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Black and Native American peoples. Mother Drexel took part in opening the first mission school for Indians, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In 1915 she also founded Xavier University in New Orleans, first Catholic university in the United States for African Americans.
When she died there were more than 500 Sisters teaching in 63 schools throughout the country. Saint Katharine was beatified by Pope John Paul II on November 20, 1988 and II canonized her on October 1, 2000. At that time she was only the second recognized American-born saint.
The patient and humble endurance of the cross—whatever nature it may be—is the highest work we have to do. - St. Katharine Drexel
25% of all secular art and 100% of religious art in my shop go to support Little Sister's of the Poor, St. Martin's Home in Baltimore
Please visit their website and support their capital campaign...they need to raise $25 million within 2 years or they will have to remove the 75 elderly poor they serve from St. Martin's Home.....
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Coming Soon!
What you wonder? Lent! Advent & Christmas it seems was just yesterday and now it's time to prepare for Easter. Easter is more than Easter baskets and chocolate bunnies! It's the day our Savior rose from the dead! It takes preparation!
Three weeks from now comes Ash Wednesday and that's the start of Lent. As a Roman Catholic it will be forty days of fasting from meat on Friday's, prayer, penance, almsgiving and giving up something in preparation for Easter!
So three weeks to decide my "Lenten Plan". Hmmm....
The 4 porcelain fish sauce dishes are available in my Etsy shop:
Three weeks from now comes Ash Wednesday and that's the start of Lent. As a Roman Catholic it will be forty days of fasting from meat on Friday's, prayer, penance, almsgiving and giving up something in preparation for Easter!
So three weeks to decide my "Lenten Plan". Hmmm....
The 4 porcelain fish sauce dishes are available in my Etsy shop:
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunday Sketches

So look for me to feature a piece of art each week on Sunday! This week's feature is a piece I did for the ACEO Online Magazine competition. The theme was symbols of love. So I thought what to me is a symbol of love and it came to me. There was NO GREATER LOVE that the sacrifice Jesus made for us. That inspired me to do the pictured colored pencil ACEO, entitled, what else "No Greater Love.
Visit BlueChairDiary Blog for some awesome other Sunday Sketches:
And while you are at it go visit my friend Marlene:
This ACEO is available in my Etsy shop. Here's the link:
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday Feature
Turns out it a friend Brenda Thour. Her shop is Luv2Paint on Etsy! Brenda is from Minnesota so that's probably why the snow scene appealed to her! Her Etsy shop is full of beautiful wildlife and animals. She's even turned some of her art into pendants. The zebra pictured is one of my favorite pieces of hers. The fact that it's in Africa and it's hot there probably appealed to me. I'm ready for summer! LOL
Brenda is such a talented painted. I've known her a long while as she is a member of my DAWG Team on Etsy. or follow her on Twitter So go grab a cup of coffee and check out her sites!
The hand painted procelain box is available in my Etsy's the link:
Saturday, February 5, 2011
So I've been painting away to the point....
that my fingers lock up occasionally! It's heck getting old! I hate it when Arthur (Arthritis) comes to visit. Anyway, I have been filling my new shop, ArtfulPurpose, with ACEO's of saints and framed prints of my icons. Here's one of the ACEO's. This one is of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, a native American Saint. Here's the listing for it:

Remember 25% of all sales there go to Little Sisters of the Poor for nonsecular paintings. 100% of all religious art goes to the Little Sisters. Also remember their capital campaign in your prayers and financially if you can. Here's their website...the donate button is at the bottom right:
In my other shop JYWheeler - which I refer to as Painted Panache, I have been working on some miniature porcelain pieces in the form of pendants and a number of pieces for the spring challenge for the Old Farmhouse Gathering Team (OFG Team) I belong to on Etsy. I don't have photos up yet since they are still in the works. But look for four footed mugs, a porcelain egg and an adorable small dresser tray. Oh and I shouldn't forget, a little teapot shaped hinged box. It's so cute. I cannot wait to post the photos.
Here is a piece of porcelain I recently put up. It's a toothbrush holder with a matching cup. Can you tell I'm finished with winter? I'm ready for summer and the beach. Here's the link to the listing on Etsy:
So stay tuned for more porcelain to come your way with a spring/summer theme because I'm done with winter! I hate to say it because I LOVE snowmen. I have quite a collection of the little guys but I put them away until next year! I'm ready to pull out my bunny collection!
Remember 25% of all sales there go to Little Sisters of the Poor for nonsecular paintings. 100% of all religious art goes to the Little Sisters. Also remember their capital campaign in your prayers and financially if you can. Here's their website...the donate button is at the bottom right:
In my other shop JYWheeler - which I refer to as Painted Panache, I have been working on some miniature porcelain pieces in the form of pendants and a number of pieces for the spring challenge for the Old Farmhouse Gathering Team (OFG Team) I belong to on Etsy. I don't have photos up yet since they are still in the works. But look for four footed mugs, a porcelain egg and an adorable small dresser tray. Oh and I shouldn't forget, a little teapot shaped hinged box. It's so cute. I cannot wait to post the photos.
Here is a piece of porcelain I recently put up. It's a toothbrush holder with a matching cup. Can you tell I'm finished with winter? I'm ready for summer and the beach. Here's the link to the listing on Etsy:
So stay tuned for more porcelain to come your way with a spring/summer theme because I'm done with winter! I hate to say it because I LOVE snowmen. I have quite a collection of the little guys but I put them away until next year! I'm ready to pull out my bunny collection!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday Feature
Today I'm taking a break from the "heart" features. I decided today to feature my new team, Catholic Etsy Artist Guild. I was poking around one day on Etsy and found them. I'm tickled pink to be a part of TeamCatholic on Etsy. For me being Catholic is not just a religion but a way of life. It's in the pores. I could never leave my faith so it's nice to find others with the same mind set.
Pictured below is a treasury I put together for TeamCatholic entitled "Hail Mary Full of Grace" Not all of the artisans on TeamCatholic make religious themed articles. So the next time you are on Etsy, search for "TeamCatholic" in the Tags & Title search for some awesome art and craftsmanship.
Featuring TeamCatholic .
Pictured below is a treasury I put together for TeamCatholic entitled "Hail Mary Full of Grace" Not all of the artisans on TeamCatholic make religious themed articles. So the next time you are on Etsy, search for "TeamCatholic" in the Tags & Title search for some awesome art and craftsmanship.
'Hail Mary, Full of Grace' by ArtfulPurpose
Featuring TeamCatholic .
Hail Mary Art Print... $7.00 | Our Lady of Lourdes... $14.99 | FREE SHIPPING Rosar... $84.99 |
Framed Print Religi... $19.95 | Yellow Rose May Cro... $5.00 | Vintage Image of Ma... $ |
Keys to Mass for Ch... $15.00 | Riverstone Rosary B... $ | Our Lady of Perpetu... $14.00 |
Rhodonite Gemstone ... $24.00 | Madonna and Christ ... $9.50 | Handmade Croatian P... $15.00 |
Mary Mother of God,... $20.00 | Our Lady of Guadalu... $40.00 | Madonna and Child B... $10.00 |
Treasury tool is sponsored by A/B image testing.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Happiness on Hump Day!
Well this has been a wonderful hump day. For one, I won 3rd Place in the ACEO Online Magazine for my ACEO "Oh My". Angela did an interview with me. Here's the link:
Speaking of which, in the last 2 days, I had 2 sales there. One for 3 religious ACEO's and another for 2 framed prints of my religious icons! Soooo 100% of the sale went to Little Sisters! I was happy to be able to give them $90 in 2 days. If this keeps up, who know I might help make a dent in that $25 million...well maybe not because that's alot of painting. I did another 4 religious ACEO's and put them up in my shop: I did one called "The Appearance" (the Blessed Mother), St. John Neumann, Jesus in the Garden & St. Rose of Lima. Speaking of St. Rose. My favorite quote of her's is "Let all men know graces comes after tribulation."
So as a reminder all religious painting sales are donated 100% to the Little Sisters. Other sales, 25% goes to them. Have a blessed day!
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A Day in the Past
Facebook reminded me that 8 years ago I was at the coliseum in Rome. The most amazing observation I made was that it was so quiet. People s...

In celebration of St. Valentine's Day, I am offering this piece of porcelain as a blog give away. It's painted with blue forget me k...
This week's PPF ACEO is a watercolor....inspired by my wish for summer! LOL I call it Welcome Summer! This week we had the taste of su...
So now I have 2 blog posts to write every usual Friday Feature...below and also something new Paint Party Friday. I almost forgo...