Happy Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for. I am so blessed and I thank God everyday for those blessings. This morning I woke up and I had a wonderful surprise. I sold one of my ACEO's! It was "I Mean Business" pictured below....AND the person who bought it lives in the same town that I do. How funny is that! Small world......
So I feature another Snowman card today because you know there is No man like a SNOWman! Here it is. I call it "Soaking Up the Snow".......Here's the link to the etsy posting http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=17877337
I hope your Thanksgiving is a blessed one--full of happiness and love and lots of good food. And for those who are without today, my prayer is that this next year is more prosperous for them and that God keeps them safe.
And today remember the troops in Iraq & Afganistan. One of my former 4-Her's is stationed in Iraq. His name is John Reece. Keep John and all the troops in your prayers.