Why is this cute little snowman laughing you ask? He looks like he's ready to bust at the seam!
Is he laughing because it's snowing. Is he laughing at all the clowns in Congress and how pathetic the whole economy business is? Maybe he's just laughing because the election will be over soon and then we can get back to a normal life with more interesting things on TV?
Whatever the reason, he's a happy fellow. Painted on green glass bottle, with screw on top. Bottle is embellished with recyled jewelry: gold chain, beads and confetti looking beads. The top is trimmed in white fringe with strands of beads. The very top is a small crystal ball.
Fill it with your favorite body lotion, body wash or bubble bath. He is truly cute but functional! He's a great Christmas gift...it's not too early to start shopping you know!
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