Yesterday was the Feast of the Guardian Angels. It seems there was one sitting on my shoulder. My friend Denise and I went to Bingo World. It's one of those really big bingo halls in Baltimore.

First I won a special which meant $100! Then Denise won $50 on a regular bingo on the computer and then I won $50 on a regular bingo on the computer. I kept thinking I wonder if it was my guardian angel or perhaps my Mom (who passed a year ago) who helped them find my numbers.

At the end of the afternoon as I was thinking this again, the staff were cleaning up and playing around with the microphone. Two of them sang, "Playmate come down and play with me, climb up my apple tree...." I said to the lady beside us. "It must be my Mom who helped me with bingo. She was an avid bingo player and she always sang that song to me when I was a child."

She looked strangely at me and then I introduced myself and told her about my parents passing a year ago. She introduced herself. Her name was Yvonne. I said, "that's odd. That's what my mother wanted to name me before she was convinced to name me after my Dad.". Yvonne said, "Your father's name is Joseph and in Hebrew it means to add."
Then she turned around and the back of her shirt had a design on the back....believe it or not it was WINGS.
It was like a moment out of the Twilight Zone for me. Thanks Mom for the bingo. Now I can buy more clothes for the grands.