Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Sketches

Hello Sunday Sketches. It's been a full year since I participated. Last year was a bad year for me. I lost both of my parents after brief illnesses. And while I did "art" over that year, I just didn't have the time to devote to my blog rings. 

But this is a new year and I'm back in the saddle (God willing).  Today's Sunday Sketch is on a piece of porcelain. 

It was inspired by a piece of toile fabric.  The sketching was done with china paints and a crow quill pen.  

For more lovely Sunday Sketches, please visit: 



Debbie said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your parents passing! That must have been so hard to loose them both in the same year. My prayers are with you. Your porcelin painting is awesome! I love how you did such small detail so well. xo

stefanie stark said...

I'm also sorry to hear of your parents passing! The new year should be full of warmth and sunshine for you! The porcelin painting is stunning and looks wonderful precious!

Sirkka said...

I am sorry for that you have lost your parents recently. It is hard for you. Your porcelan painting is so beautiful and stylful.

Kristin Aquariann said...

*hugs and happy memory sparkles* Your sketch is beautiful. I look forward to seeing more in the new year.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I'm sorry to hearing of the passing of your parents last year. Your porcelain plate painting is very elegant. Happy Sunday Sketches! #15

Helen said...

Wow what an amazing piece of artwork on porcelain - so delicate.

I am so sorry about losing both your parents, I understand how you feel. It's nice that you are back. I was away most of last year for personal reasons and I have decided to get back into my blog and Sunday Sketches again. It must be the time of year.
Helen x

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