Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Sketches

My Sunday Sketch is actually an ink doodle on an ACEO card. I call it, "Cable's Out".  My cable TV was out for a couple of days. Not much to do. So I started doodling on a piece of paper and then thought, "Wait, I should just do an ACEO doodle" and I did. And here it is.

Visit BlueChairDiary Blog for some awesome other Sunday Sketches:    Please keep Sophia's father & Sophia in your prayers!


m7 said...

i would call it a design, rather than a doodle, it has an amazing amount of detail and symmetry. .

Marlene said...

Joann, it is a great sketch. I love this type of doodling, it really is therapeutic.

Crystal said...

I just love your "ink doodles" intricate and just beautiful! :-)

Morph Waffle said...

Love all the details! Very cool!

Deanna said...

Isn't doodling so therapeutic? You have done an exceptional job. Very nice!

Christine said...

I LOVE your doodle! Such great patterns.

Heather said...

I love all of the little designs...the hearts and swirls. I hate when the cable goes out!!!!!!!! It looks like your doodling carried you though it! Nice work! have a great sunday

Lee Pierce said...

Love this little doodle card! Lots of great designs, Joann.
If my cable goes out - no computer either... :(

Unknown said...

oh what a fun aceo!!! I love creating mini art pieces...these ink lines look fantastic!!!!

Reflections said...

Fabulous piece for just a doodle... the detail is so intricate. Therapeutic aren't they? Just love it.

Unknown said...

Great doodle, amazing how creative we can be when there's no TV...

WrightStuff said...

It's kindof got cables in it - obviously on your mind!!

Nice doodling. More please!

Julia Christie said...

Huge fan of doodling and this is wonderful - kind of glad for our sake your cable went out! :-)


Sinderella's Studio said...

reminds me of zentangles...what a great idea for a focused creation perfect size!
cheers, dana

KateHolloman said...

THAT is a very nice doodle :D
I like it! (i guess it's the lines that appeal to me so much haha) :)

Kristin Dudish said...

I think your doodle is great - a wonderful way to spend some t.v. free time :)


Hannah said...

I love intricate ink doodles. I find them therapeutic to do myself. This one is very nice :)

Tammie Lee said...

this is fun!

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