Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Sketches

Well it's been one of those crazy weeks. Dad went into the hospital Thursday and I've spent 12-14 hours a day there with him.

So needless to say I haven't "arted" much.  In one of the quieter moments of the day as I waited for him the nurses to do his morning washing, I decided to "spring doodle" on the back of a piece of paper and here it is.....I am so ready for spring and Easter can you tell?

I got a little silly with the spinner beanie on the pooped chickie. Maybe I'll redo this on an ACEO later.....Happy Spring Ya'll.

Oh and good news Dad may be coming home from the hospital tomorrow!

Enjoy the Sunday Sketch and for more awesome art visit


Marlene said...

Good Morning. That is great news about your dad possibly going home.
You put your waiting time to good use, love your doodles and the chickie with the spinner is adorable and would make a wonderful ACEO or card.

Kristin Dudish said...

I'm so glad your Dad may be coming home tomorrow :)

The spinner beanie is my favorite part - I love your very fun details!


Heather said...

That's great news! fingers corssed.
I love the bunny with the paint brush! Cute! - enjoy your day!

Christine said...

such a cute spring doodle. Hope your father does come home soon.

Crystal said...

Very cute sketch. Good to hear your dad will be going home from the hospital. :-)

Deanna said...

I love the spinner beanie too! Very cute sketch. Very happy to hear that your dad is coming home soon. It is exhausting watching over a loved one that is in the hospital. Glad you could take a little time to be creative.

WrightStuff said...

Glad to hear he is coming home soon. Art soothes me - hope it did you.

Melisa said...

Aw, this is so cute! I'm glad your dad is getting to go home!

Morph Waffle said...

Oh cuteness and I like the your word arted. Glad your dad is doing better.

Lenora said...

More art therapy! I am so sorry to hear of your dad - we will keep he and you in our thoughts and prayers. My daughter's favorite thing right now is beanie hats she is inventing a new one with special powers! May the powers of healing be with you.

EVA said...

This is adorable! So good your Dad is well enough to rethurn hhome!

Tammie Lee said...

oh, so cute! I love the pooped chick.

Helen said...

Lovely little sketches and it just goes to show that anything can be used to be creative on.

Glad to hear your Dad may be coming home.....hope he gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

The sketch is fresh with Easter Hope...I hope your Father was able to come! Prayers for you both.

Teri said...

Such good news about your Dad. Love your spring doodles.

Sinderella's Studio said...

I love the spinner beanie on the pooped chickie!
cheers, dana

m7 said...

that's a wonderful little sketch there. And i don't really know much, but i hope your dad is doing fine now.

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