Mason, my grandson, is back in school. Can't believe he is in 5th grade. He applied to be a Safety this year and was thrilled to be chosen as the Flag Safety. That means every day he puts up and takes down the American Flag and the Maryland State Flag.
We had a big discussion about the Maryland State Flag and how to remember which way was up. I told him the right corner should have the cross that goes up to Heaven, like Jesus did. I googled it and showed him how it should look. So the day before yesterday before he takes the flag down, he runs up to my car and say's "Granny Jo look at the flag." I almost spit out my coke. He had it upside down!!!
I told him so but he said that one of the teachers told him that when he put it the way I told him that it was incorrect. I told him, I knew my flag. I worked 35 years for the State of MD and that was one of my pet peeves! So yesterday he runs out to the car pointing to the flag and I gave him a thumbs up because it was correct.
Mason said the teacher told him again it was wrong again and instead of being diplomatic, he told her she should google it because Granny Jo worked for the State for 35 years and it's her pet peeve.
Well if this apple box doesn't sell I just might have to give it to her as an apology at the end of the year.