Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday Sketches

Another Sunday Sketch from my Sketchbook Project! As you will recall the theme was "Make Mine a Double" what does this have to do with double....think about it a minute while I babble.

I'm thinking about doing another Sketchbook Project. It's a big commitment. Well maybe not so big because I glued the pages together to give them some substance. The problem with the book is that the pages are so thin any pressure from the colored pencils goes right through. So I read online someone had glued the pages. That worked great.

I cannot decide on a theme. There are 40! Help me's what I've narrowed it down to: Uncharted Waters, Things Found Under Car Seats,  It's Summer Where You Are. Let me know what you think I should choose.

Just in case you want to participate, here's the link for the Sketchbook Project: Then you can post them on your Sunday Sketches as well.:

 Okay so now back to that sketch.  What do you think? Did you get it right?  The cowboy is shooting a double barrel shotgun. So now you have it! LOL That's the double reference.

Enjoy the Sunday Sketch and for more awesome art visit


Valerie-Jael said...

Well, that is an unusual double take! Good luck with the new sketch book!

Marlene said...

This is a great "double". I am trying to decide if I want to do the Sketchbook Project again this year, it is a huge commitment. I like the theme "Things under a car Seat"

Kristin Dudish said...

Ha! Another great take on the "double" theme... I thought he might be walking into the local saloon demanding a "double"!

(I also like the "things found under car seats" theme)


Christine said...

nice sketch. Uncharted waters sounds good to me!

Crystal said...

Great take on the double....I guess we shouldd say double take. :-)

Sinderella's Studio said...

I figured it was a double barreled shotgun and he was having the bartender make him a double!!
Having sold cars for 7 years...I don't want to see what we find under the carseats... saw enough in real life...I vote for uncharted waters!
cheers, dana

Andrea said...

Great work!
So rare to see a man with gun in sketches...You are a trailblazer! ;)
Love it!
Happiest May to you, Joann!

Anonymous said...

I love this sketch! I admire you greatly if you do another sketchbook project. I did it this year too and I agree the pages weren't very good - I did mostly watercolour and they just curled and rippled. Although I think I read on the site that they intend to make the pages better quality this year in response to feedback they received. I think I am a little disillusioned that it took up so much of my time and so far only one person has looked at it and that was a blogging friend in New York who asked for it specifically! I guess its just luck when there are over 28,000 to choose from! Anyhoo - that said I did enjoy doing it so you never know!! I like the Summer where you are theme.

WrightStuff said...

EEk. I surrender!!

Anne Butera said...

Love your take on "make mine a double"!

Tammie Lee said...

creative idea for double....
I have no idea about your themes
with: uncharted waters... you could explore things you have not done in life but would like to do... just a thought.

Melisa said...

I'm a southern girl so of course I recognized the double barrel. :) I'm doing the sketchbook project too, and took forever to finally decide on "Encyclopedia of" so now I have to decide what my encyclopedia will be of, LOL. I vote for Uncharted Waters for your theme.

Heather said...

a great sketch! I like unchartered waters, sounds like you could do A LOT with this! looks like you had fun at the royal party! xo

Lenora said...

Now that's thinking outside the box! We did last years sketchbook project and it was a great idea!

Debbie said...

I enjoyed the sketchbook last year! Nice sketch, and good job on the theme!

Joni Nickrent said...

Lovin' your double themes! Awesome sketch

Anonymous said...

'Things Found Under Car Seats' or 'It's Summer where You are' sound good. :)

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