Sunday, May 29, 2011

So another Sunday Sketch from my 2011 Sketchbook it is...again the theme was Make Mine A Double:
This also was colored pencil. I had a little trouble with one of their rumps...can you figure out which. If you look close you can see I had to do some readjusting. I don't know what's with me. I always tend to straighten things out. I have trouble drawing or painting something that's not straight. Even the ram that is on an angle still looks weird to me. The one on the right I make straight. Not sure why I always do that sort of thing. Well anyway here it is.

The Sketchbook Project tour came through my area. Actually it went to Washington DC but I didn't have anyone to go with and that week was particularly busy anyway. Maybe if I do it again this year I'll be able to see it. It's supposed to come to Philadelphia which is about 2 hrs away. DC would have been just a bit closer. Oh well.

Enjoy the Sunday Sketch and for more awesome art visit


WrightStuff said...

Oh it would be amazing to see the exhibition - you must go and share your story!

Your double act look mighty fine!

Christine said...

they're interesting facing different directions like that, even though they are 'doubles'.

Anonymous said...

the double thing is cool!

Valerie-Jael said...

Amazing pictures! Valerie

Marlene said...

Wow, very nicely done Joann. I have my sketchbook but have not started it yet.

Debbie said...

I think your doing a great job and can't tell which one has a problem! They both look very realistic to me. xoxo

Tammie Lee said...

they are wonderful, I have trouble with bodies.... sketch erase and so on and so on. Love your soft pallet of colors.

Sabina said...

I love how you made this look like something that might be in an old book. And the detail on the fur is great!

Heather said...

this is really cool...i love the way you hav both on the same landscape, but it could look like two different pages, as well! Very nice...great job on making the animal look so realistic!

Joni Nickrent said...

Very nice sketches...I have a tough time with've done an awesome job!

Kristin Dudish said...

Another wonderful double spread... I would love to see this in person :)


Sinderella's Studio said...

excellent double work!!!! I too would love to go see the sketchbook project!!!!!!!!
Wonderful tribute on Memorial Day!

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