Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Who Me?

What a honor! I was featured today on my team blog.  I belong to a fabulous team on Etsy of talented people, Folkart & Primitives. If you search FAAP on Etsy you will find the absolute best in the way of Folk Art and Prim. I am honored to be a part of this wonderful team of special people.

If you would like to see my feature, please click on this link to their blog:



The Rusty Thimble said...

So Happy to have you as the spotlighted member today JoAnn thank you so much, have a Wonderful Easter

jywheeler said...

Thank you and Happy Easter as well

A Day in the Past

Facebook reminded me that  8 years ago I was at the coliseum in Rome. The most amazing observation I made was that it was so quiet. People s...